Another Day of Life

Interesting fact of the day:  I finally remembered to ask what the childrens’ APGAR scores were when they were born.  They all scored an 8 at one minute and a 9 at the five minute mark.  Those are pretty good scores for 31 week preemies.Â
/Sawyer – Sawyer was moved again so that he is now in the same room as his siblings.  He is up to 16 ccs of food and tolerating it very well.  He has regained weight and now weighs the same as when he was born (3 lbs 13 oz).  Sawyer’s IV will be coming out tomorrow or the day after as he is closing in on his full feedings rapidly.
/Kimball – The continuous feeding schedule for Kimball and Brinlee that I discussed yesterday appears to be helping with their apnea (by reducing any possible reflux).Â
/Brinlee – Brinlee’s IV will be coming out tomorrow so she will be almost wireless.
/April and I saw them all at the hospital today and were able to hold Brinlee and Kimball.  They are looking somewhat different as we can actually see their faces and they are slowing filling in some of their empty rolls.  We were told that it would be reasonable for them to be home by Thanksgiving barring any regressions in their progress.
/April had a check-up today.  Her blood pressure appears to have returned to normal.  She is still having some breathing problems that started during the pregnancy that we are either waiting for them to go away or we will be seeing a specialist soon to try and get it solved.
/We’ll get new pictures up soon!

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