At Last

At last we will be a complete family again. Friday afternoon I got to go get Sawyer from the hospital. Adam has been out of town for work and is arriving home tonight. The doctor offered to let Sawyer stay until tomorrow morning so Adam could get home, but we declined. We wanted him home a soon as possible. We didn’t want him to stay a moment longer than he had to. Our one concern was that he could have an episode in the car, and if I were driving him alone, I couldn’t immediately get to him. A kind woman from church agreed to go with me and watch over him during the 30-ish minute drive. It gave us a lot of peace of mind. Fortunately, nothing happened, but we were prepared just in case.
/He is adjusting to the hustle and bustle of life at home again. He’s only had 3 days’ experience here, and that was a while ago. He is used to a quiet, private room. Now he has 2 others who occasionally scream in his ear, or bump into him with roaming hands and feet. Our routine is going to need a little finessing to make room for number 3, but we can do it. Gran and I are glad that Adam will be back, not only because we love and miss him, but because work divided by 3 is a lot easier. Adam is a great, very hands-on dad (he has a mean swaddle technique. I don’t compare) and he is wonderful with the babies.
/In response to Adam’s remark in the previous post that he is not emotional, I disagree. He is a very tender, loving, nurturing, caring person. He doesn’t cry (I don’t want him to lose his man-card or anything), but he expresses his love very freely. He is very thoughtful (just look at those cute stockings he ordered for us), and I love him more than I could ever express. Sorry to every other woman in the world, but I have the world’s most wonderful husband ever.
/These pictures are a little dark because they were sleeping and didn’t appreciate an overhead light or flash. I don’t know enough about our camera to change the settings for less light, and Adam wasn’t home yet to enlighten me.
/Napping together on their first evening home again.
/In the pack n play with their stockings hung on the chimney with care.
/Yes, we know.  It is adorable.
/Hanging out with our spectacular Christmas tree. Didn’t Adam pick out a great one?
/We are unsure if she was patting/stroking his cheek or preparing for her next strike.  Either way, he probably deserved it as he has the longest arms and is often stretching out to “greet” his siblings.
/This is the day they came home from the hospital. Their first car ride! They did very well. They didn’t like being man-handled to get them in the straps, but once they were in, they didn’t mind a bit.
/Just an FYI, Sawyer was 6 lbs 4 oz when he was discharged from Children’s Hospital.  We’ll find out all their weights tomorrow at their follow-up doctor visit.

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