Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Today there isn’t much news about changes with the babies. They each gained 2 ounces last night, the little porkers. That makes:
/Brinlee 3 pounds 14 ounces
/Kimball 3 pounds 14 ounces
/Sawyer 4 pounds 7 ounces
/The real story is the brawl that went on in the crib today. They snuggle up so sweetly to each other that combined with the swaddling, they start to overheat each other. So today the nurse decided not to swaddled them, just put them under a fluffy blanket. When I got there I uncovered the little darlings to change diapers and let the cuddling commence. I noticed that the boys were snuggling sweetly. That’s so cute. Where is Brinlee?


/Brinlee had moved off by herself for a little peace while the boys lounged together…I thought

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/Apparently the boys did something to anger the little princess because out of nowhere Brinlee delivers a roundhouse to Sawyer’s belly!


/That hurt!


/Sawyer strikes back!


/Mama!!!! He hit me!!! (Now if I hadn’t witnessed the whole thing, Sawyer would have been in trouble all by himself.)


/Brinlee’s aftermath. She got the crib to herself for a while and the boys sought refuge in Gran’s arms. Brinlee and I had a heart to heart about beating up her brothers. She was very sorry. She also tried to pull out Sawyer’s feeding tube after she pulled out her own. I think we’re starting to see who our troublemaker might be. Our sweet darling baby girl may be more of a stinker than we imagined. Maybe we need to go back to swaddling to help them learn their manners and keep their hands to themselves.


/The story I forgot to share yesterday was also about Brinlee. They were swaddled, but somehow Brinlee managed to T-bone Sawyer. She had rolled off the pallete and turned so her feet were by Sawyer’s side and her head and body were perpendicular to his. I didn’t witness this myself, but the nurse told me about it. She used the disposable cameras (gifts from the Parents Partnered for Preemies) we left at their crib to take a picture of it. When the camera is done we’ll develop it. At the time it looked like she wanted some space, but in retrospect, maybe we saw the remnants of a flying roundhouse. At least she seems to be leaving his  handsome face alone.
/Poor sweet Sawyer is not benefiting from being in the middle.

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