Before I get to the pictures, I will add a few things I forgot./
/The kids call Caisen “Seesen.” Sawyer calls Kimball “Keekee” and Brinlee “Beebee.” Adam made up a song when the kids were tiny that says, “My. Name. Is…….Brinlee Brinlee Brinlee Brinlee Brinlee Brinlee Brinlee!” He does a little dance with them. He always sings it to them and they love it. The other day he was trying to get Sawyer to say, “My name is Sawyer.” So now, if we start out with “My,” the kids will each say, “name. Is. Sawyer!” That’s right, they’re now all named Sawyer. We can’t get Brinlee and Kimball to say their own names./
/They try to help me feed Caisen by holding the bottle. Sometimes they move it too much and we have to retreat. I make Caisen’s formula while the kids eat their snack. They count the scoops for me and then hold the top of the immersion blender while I mix it. /
/Caisen is giggling like crazy now. His happiest times are first thing in the morning and right before bed. He just grins and giggles on the changing table and while he’s eating. He’s a really easy baby, thankfully. He is very patient with the way his siblings love on him and waiting while I help them with things. Caisen has begun making out with his fists, ala Kimball (although after sampling the delights of all ten fingers for a while, Kimball has since entered into a monogamous relationship with his right index finger). We hear him slurping away occasionally, but I have a feeling we will start hearing it more often./
/Granddad and Kimball, Caisen, Brinlee and Sawyer/
/When Kimball woke up his hair looked so awesome I had to take a picture! /
/Adam on Father’s Day. Their shirts were part of his present. Sawyer’s shirt says, “I get my muscles from my dad.” Kimball’s is “I get my good looks from my dad.” Brinlee’s says, “My dad is the man!” and Caisen’s says, “I love my daaadaaaa.”/
/ /
/This is why I keep Caisen’s bouncy seat behind bars./
/Having fun in the water at the Botanical Garden./
/Sawyer and Kimball, meet ketchup./
/Kimball and Brinlee sharing a ride./
/Caisen and daddy chillin./
/Our future concert pianists./
/The kids weren’t feeling so great the day we decided to take pictures with Grandma./
/Grandma and Brinlee/
/ /
/Grandma and Sawyer/
/Grandma and Kimball/
/Second photoshoot, not much better./
/Intro to Wendy’s. They had their first Frosty./
/Our first train ride at Stone Mountain./
/ /
/Gran and Granddad rode the train with us the next time we went. Whoever took this picture did a terrible job./
/Grandma and the kids posing in front of the carving on Stone Mountain./
/On top of Stone Mountain with grandma and grandpa. Our photographer forgot the top of Brinlee’s head./
/Grandma and grandpa on the train with us at Stone Mountain./
/After Caisen’s baby blessing./
/Grandma and grandpa with Caisen/
/Gran with Caisen/
/Gran and granddad with Caisen./
/Caisen is three months old!!/
/Caisen loves his big boy bath tub./
/Caisen went from first giggle one day, to having giggle fits with Adam. I never get to witness it. Daddy is funnier than mommy.