Who’s Your Daddy?

Apparently I am. Caisen calls me daddy, and it makes me crazy. I’m your mother! I carried you for nine months! I’ve fed, diapered, loved and cared for you every day of your life! You say well over 100 words, and calling me, “Mommy” is too much to ask for? I guess so. He’ll say, “Daddy up! Daddy hold you! Daddy!!!!” to me, but never mommy, no matter how much I repeat it. Our little stinker is also officially walking! We thought it would never happen. He did more like Sawyer and got up and took ten steps all at once. Within a few days he had abandoned crawling all together. None of this starting out with two steps and working up from there. He’s also word combining. He’ll say, “More Os! No water! See Sawyer.” He and Sawyer are just buddies. They love each other.
/Brinlee is our most discriminating eater. We follow the advice in “How to Get Your Kid to Eat But Not Too Much” by Ellyn Satter, and it works really well. We offer good, appealing, healthy foods; they decide if and what to eat. We don’t make a big deal about it, bribe, cajole or threaten. A couple of weeks ago for the first time in her life she put spaghetti noodles in her mouth and then said, “Beenie loves sageti” No joke, Brinlee? Do they happen to taste exactly like the rotini noodles you shovel in your mouth when they’re offered? Do they remind you in any way of macaroni noodles? Anything similar to lasagna noodles? Crazy girl. For oatmeal it took 5 months of being offered at least once a week. How long until she figures out we don’t give her anything gross? Mommy and Daddy love good food. Where’s the trust?
/Kimball and Sawyer like to say they’re doing things like a mouse. “I’m tall like a mouse. I’m climbing up like a mouse. I’m eating like a mouse.” They do like the show “The Mouse and the Motorcycle” (based on the book by Beverly Cleary) and Stuart Little. I guess that’s where they get it.
/Whenever I change Kimball’s poopy diapers he’ll say, “That’s naaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty!!” Guess where he learned that from? I can’t even blame it on Adam. My only defense is those diapers are nasty.
/Our kids have become quite the camera hams. The love to have their picture taken. If they see a lens, they say, “Cheeese!!!!” Even Caisen says it and smiles. It’s amazing what he learns from his siblings.
/One of the funniest things Brinlee, Kimball and Sawyer do is imitate Adam and I, but they’re not playing. Today Brinlee got the bag of pancakes and went to each of them saying, “Oh, would you like a pancake? Here you go!” and distributing. If one of them gets upset, Sawyer will say, “It’s OK honey. It’s OK.” They always use a falsetto voice to do it.
/Every 4-6 months we get out the tricycles we got them when they were one (it was a fabulous deal, so we just put them up for someday), and after visiting some friends and seeing how much our kids liked their bikes, we got them out again. Their feet reach the peddles and Kimball even has the peddling action down. Brinlee and Kimball are not so interested and are just happy to be able to sit in the seat and push with their feet at the same time. I take them out on the driveway (by myself!) and they are very good about staying away from the road. I take one of the ride-on toys for Caisen, which worked at first, but like the Cozy Coupes, he is starting to want one too. We’ve only gotten them out a few times, and he is already ready for one of his own.
/We had the same problem with the shopping carts. I started to get him one for his birthday, but thought he wouldn’t be interested in one. I was wrong. A couple of weeks after his birthday, he became VERY interested in the shopping carts and was always after one. There were several battles a day. BKS love to race their carts around the downstairs shouting, “Faster! Faster!” Well, he wants to join the game. We finally had to go get him one so the war would end.
/NEWSFLASH! Right before I was about to post this, Caisen said, “I love you Mommy!” Of course, last night he said, “I love you Daddy!” to Adam. Oh well, I’ll take it!
/Begging to have their picture taken. They even put on their firefighter hats.
/They were standing on these block and taking turn popping up and down. It reminded me of Hee-Haw.
/Sawyer modeling his new sunglasses.
/Kimball said he wanted to wear his glasses like Daddy. Brinlee is wearing her “I’m a celebrity nobody look at me!” glasses.
/Caisen just being adorable.
/Happy Father’s Day!

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