New pictures and a new baby

Since we’re sharing new family pictures, this seems like a good time to announce that our family is growing. We are expecting a baby girl in March! We’re very excited! The next time we do pictures, there will be another adorable face in the crowd.
/It was a cold day when we took pictures, and everyone was sick. No one wanted to get their picture taken, but Kim still managed to get good pictures.
/The story of Caisen’s life, constantly trying to keep up, but not quite big enough. What the picture doesn’t show is that he uses his arms to pull himself up to wherever they are. He’s tough.
/Caisen checking out the babe getting her picture taken across the courtyard.
/Sawyer and mommy.
/Mommy and Brinlee
/Mommy and Kimball
/Caisen and mommy
/Caisen hugging the baby.
/Brinlee, Kimball and Sawyer hugging their new sister.
/Brinlee posing on the stairs
/Kimball on the train
/A sweet smile from Sawyer
/Caisen always looks so mischievous when he grins, which is most of the time.
/They’re getting so big we need a wagon this big!
/Kimball loves to give these slobbery, noisy kisses at bed time. He laughs and laughs and does it again.
/Daddy and Brinlee
/Brinlee giving daddy a kiss.
/Daddy and his clone, Kimball
/Daddy and Sawyer
/Daddy and his other clone, Caisen
/Caisen marching with the others behind daddy.
/These kids are crazy for daddy.
/Adam and April
/Mommy loves it when daddy steals kisses

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